Voice technology provides an exciting new way to identify physician marketing micro-moments

The global pandemic has accelerated the migration of physicians to digital channels. In this new world, pharma companies can no longer rely on personal interactions to shape brand perceptions and behaviours along the customer journey.

As we went into lockdown, research by Abelson Taylor here showed that 75% of physicians in the US began using alternative methods of communication. There was a 58% increase in remote conferencing, a 159% increase in video chatting and an incredible 263% increase in emails.

Now, more than ever, brands compete in a complex, fragmented marketing environment – increasingly defined by micro-moments. These moments occur when physicians have questions about a disease, product or service and increasingly turn to their devices to satisfy their information needs, form preferences and shape prescribing decisions.

This leaves pharma clients with many unanswered questions as they seek a holistic understanding of customer multi-channel behaviour, touch-points, activities and content.

In response to this, we created a new way to identify, understand and optimise marketing micro-moments using cutting edge voice technology and emotion AI.

Why voice technology?

Below are the three key reasons why voice tech helps clients get closer to the moments that matter most to physicians:

Voice surveys provide an easy way for physicians to share their experiences

The market research industry has mainly relied upon recall based methods for gathering feedback and insights. But there’s mounting evidence that calls into question our ability to accurately remember and recall our feelings and experiences.

The latest data published on Statista in 2023 https://www.statista.com/statistics/1380282/daily-time-spent-online-global/, shows that the average person now spends over 6 hours a day online. So it’s unreasonable to expect physicians to accurately remember the interactions they have with pharma brands.

Voice surveys provide a new way to put you right in the moment of the experience – by allowing physicians to download their thoughts, feelings and opinions in a way that is much easier and faster than asking them to type their responses.

Our research has consistently shown that respondents say at least 20% more words when they speak versus type their responses, providing us with more accurate insights in the process.

 People give more detailed, nuanced and layered responses

 Market research is most powerful when it reveals the authentic thoughts and feelings of physicians. If you can get people’s unfiltered feedback, you’re more likely to uncover insights that will improve your relationship with your customers and ultimately drive positive business outcomes.

Talking (rather than typing) offers the best way to collect richer, more natural and emotive responses and makes it easy for physicians to share how, when and why they interact with brands.

Albert Mehrabian, Professor of Psychology at the University of California

concluded that only 7% of communication comes from what is said, with 55% being communicated through body language and another 38% in the pitch, tone, speed and rhythm of our voices.

Although we might dispute the relative proportions, it is hard to disagree that there is more to verbal communication than what people express at face value.

Speaking reveals more emotional signals which can help to predict future behaviour.

We can choose our words very carefully, but it is hard to hide the true emotion in our voices. Our speech helps us to convey tone better than text and gives a more honest impression of what we want to say.

Most physicians believe that the choices they make result from a rational analysis of available alternatives. In reality, however, emotions greatly influence and even determine their decision making.

Voice surveys and analysis can help us identify the emotional response that physicians have to brand and customer experiences.  If we can better understand positive or negative emotion, we can also provide more precise advice on the tactics needed to enhance or mitigate these.

 In summary

We believe that voice based surveys will capture more accurate, nuanced and insightful feedback from physicians about their interactions with companies and brands.

To find out more about our innovative approaches and to hear our case study ‘Mapping moments of magic and misery in diabetes’ please get in touch: enquiries@dayonestrategy.com
